Sunday, May 29, 2011

pay? don't pay? pay? don't pay?

how soon the vista condo can be the real condo is very much depend on how it's residents want this dream to come to pass, in fact if we got 90% of residents to have the same desire, then perhaps even before yr2012 we should see the very much improved vista condo standing tall in lebuh relau 2.

if we got 90% of residents committed to this vision, or abt 250 unit as total is 275 unit, then we can expect minimum monthly collection of 25k for current month, compare to the existing one of 22k, then with the extra 3k, indeed much more things we can do!

(but if u follow the monthly account pasted at notice board, the income is much higher, it's because some defaulter start paying the old debt)

at the moment abt 80% are paying (some pay promptly, some drag few months), another 20% still refuse to pay, out of this abt 10% are unreachable (staying outstation & the house is empty..) but another 10% are staying among us but not willing to get their money out of their pocket...

let's zoom into these 10% residents who are not paying, the challenge now is how to convince them to pay promptly, as we need them to do so, by the way, none of them are so poor until no money for the monthly service charge.

so we want to open to our residents to suggest to us what to do with them, total abt 25 unit of them, at the moment they just park their cars outside, or just driving motorcycle....

side track a bit, did u guys notice the occupancy rate of vista condo is much higher now? as i said, should be abt 85 to 90% at the moment...


Resident BJ said...

Occupancy higher meaning Vista Condo is a better place now.
I believe everyone want to pay the maintanance fee when they have a sense of belonging. But how to create that sense of belonging.....I have no idea yet. Let's focus on what we can do to collect more fund for the building:
1. Paste a BIG sticker in front of their front door or gate with wording like "please make your payment"
2. Use 10% or 20% of the fund for investment like unit trusts
3. Collect recycle items like old news paper & cardboard from the resident to make some extra money
4. Provide an advertisement board that charge a weekly fees
5. Organize monthly second hand items sales or a small corner for the resident when we have a bigger management office. Part of the profit go to building and the resident get to sell their unuse item. Win-win.

Anonymous said...

To encourage early payment, the management can offer a discounted rate to those who pay 6 months or more in advance for example.
For those who have a "financial problem" (I still believe everyone want to pay the maintenance fee if possible), we can talk to them to reduce the fee by renting out their car park if there are not using it.

Management Corporation :- said...


thanks a lot for ideas contributed here, we hv tried recycle project & discount for early payment 2 years ago, but stopped due to change of vendor & committee, i will bring to JMB meeting for them to consider again.

like the idea of garage sales, sure it will benefit many ppl if got good response from residents.

i personally excited abt all these suggestion, our next meeting will be in mid of June, let's see what the group say.


Resident BJ said...

The swimming pool area would be a good place for the garage sales. Hope no one fall into the pool. He..he..

Anonymous said...

garage sale is a good idea as i for 1 hv some stuffs i'd like to get rid off. n mayb can get something valuable for a bargain in return as well>