Friday, September 21, 2012

answer to those questions (part 3)

some residents who have came to know abt our situation, ie being questioned & confronted by ppl because of financial/account matter do tell us a very interesting thing, which at first we thought is impossible, but after give it a thought then it's better to clarify here.

they said, the reason why some residents do hv doubt over our account is, a member of MC recently sold his 2 old cars, then purchased 2 newer used cars..., can this be an issue? he used his money (bank loan & company loan, plus the money get from selling of old cars) to pay for the cars, he & his wife both working & have reasonable income to support the 2 used cars (total value less than 45K, then minus the selling of old car abt 10k, so monthly installment are for 35K in 6 years), we hope this won't make residents think that MC members hv been happily helping themselves with management fund, will be very very very sadden & silly if got residents think that..., which we don't really think that buying cars will make us look suspicious, but to play safe, we just want to clarify, for in case.

financial is always sensitive issue, especially if u are handling public fund, for like it or not, no matter how careful or "clean" u are, u are still subject to the doubt of abusing the fund, another word, makan duit....

want to defend the MC here, yr2010 while this group of MC (was JMC then) took over in somewhere may/june, we inherit a huge amount of debt, abt 55K in the management account, of course together with some facilities problem like water tank, wall leaking issue.., but in 2 years' time we managed to pay all the debt, repair default facilities, install new facilities, & even have some good balance in the bank, as per last month abt 20K, to be fair, if MC are greedy & putting residents money into our own pocket, then these thing will not happen as mentioned!

MC members do fairly well in their career, 3 have their own company, 1 is company regional manager, 1 is organization administrator, 2 are senior ranking engineer in their factory..., we do not need to take money from the management fund, for our income is more than enough to administer our needs & desires, we serve our residents in the MC capacity is because we were chosen earlier, & since we are entrusted this task, then it's only right for us to do our level best to improve the things in vista condo, but now as have been labelled as "makan duit" will make us consider all these effort & sacrifice worth or not?

the time & strength we give to MC job not just the Wednesday night MC meeting, but is a daily burden of making sure staffs & vendors do the jobs right, residents' needs can be met (although sometimes can be quite difficult), some of us everyday need to stand at our own balcony to make sure all the corridor & staircase light (of another block) are ok, also check if anyone climbing staircase which can due to lift problem then call lift vendor immediately, inspecting semi-circle structure every floor for the mosquito larva, our daily prayer include lift & other facilities are always in good conditions, & developer will return our sinking fund as well..., pls believe it's really a daily burden.

well, sorry for being long winded, but for those who have doubt, pls be more patient, as we are chasing the auditor to get the audit report ready & EGM will be called, the baton will be handled to u, for we really looking forward to the days where we can be like other ordinary residents, to enjoy our peaceful life with our family & not to be troubled by those management & facilities issues....

share this with no hard feeling, thanks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

answer to those question (part 2)

it's 4.50pm again, rushing to get this done....

like to brief residents how the MC approve project or repair or purchasing, etc.

different MC member holding different portfolio, we have 2 handling lifts, 2 handling plumbing matters, 2 handling swimming pool, 2 handling security guard matters, 2 handling legal matters, 2 handling safety related matters, 2 for T&G matters, etc, but as we only have 6 active members, so some of us do overlap in 2 or more areas.

so for approving project (repair or purchase) worth RM200 or less than that, for example repair pipe burst, the 2 persons in charge of that plumbing will discuss in between them & giving approval once they feel it's ok. But for more than RM200 then one of them will bring the matter up in the MC meeting for approval, but since MC meeting in 2 weeks once, some of matters can't wait that long, so person in charge will send email to everybody for email approval.

but we must say we try our best to follow this as much as possible, but also certain cases where immediate decision is need then we will either send SMS or even phone calls to get approval, for top urgent cases.

ideally, all the purchase or repair once it's done, should be checked by supervisor or MC member in charge, but we must admit that it's the most difficult part to follow, part of that due to time factor, for example, if lift changed the part & completed at midnight then there's quite difficult for anyone of us to go there & check..., the same happen to electrical item like changing MCB in distributor board...

like to touch little bit abt the lift, at the moment lift at blk k down again, this time due to main relay board problem, vendor took one day to source for the used board, then took nearly 3 days to get all the wiring done (according to him abt 300 connection), so today only they can test run, since this morning 10am, but somehow the latest news we got from them is the lift haven't up yet...

someone asked in the last posting abt the root cause, quite simple, there's few relay boards in the each set of control system, all of them are old board, no more in the production, all bound to spoilt when it's day come, the only solution is to change to new system, abt 60K each set, state gov't still don't give us that money coz we are not low cost apartment, court case abt the sinking fund still drag on so the fund won't be available any time soon...

so what's the solution? trying our best to save enough money to change the control system, & at the same time continue to nag gov't for money. (if anyone got other idea pls do share..)


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

answer to those questions (part 1)

someone posted some questions in the last article, also told us he has reported the chairman to the authority..., for mismanagement & don't know what else, sigh, susahlah kali ini....

well, since he raised those questions, we thought it's good to answer them so that residents will hv better picture of how these whole things of management, financial & related matters be handled, but we can't answer everything in single posting, so pls allow us to go part by part..., now this article is written at 4.45pm, i curi some time from my office hour in the company i am attached to, hope that my boss won't see it :)

current management company is DMS, we are paying them RM3300 per month, at the moment they are under 3 months probation, until and of Sept, then MC will decide whether to engage their service in long term basis.

our practice is, when the company still under probation, the cheque book would not be held by them, just to play safe, but once confirmation is given then the cheque will be handled by them, like what we did before. But at the end of the month when we need them to prepare the monthly account then cheque book will given to them to complete the account, as the office is keeping other documents like payment voucher, invoices, etc....

every month we issue payment on middle of month & end of month, those utilities bills & contracted vendors will be paid middle of month, like TNB, PBA, lift, pool, guard (half monthly), cleaner (half monthly), management (half monthly) & charge man. End of month we pay for parts purchased for facilities upgrade & repairs, management (half monthly), guard (half monthly), cleaner (half monthly), & others, few exception as some suppliers (not contracted one) are not giving us credit term.

at the moment 2 full timers in the office, office clerk responsible for collection & building supervisor assigned responsibilities to inspect our facilities & common area regularly, receive complaints from residents & get responsible parties to attend to these complaint, & also make sure all other vendor doing their jobs right, well, as now they still under probation, so residents' feedback & committees' observation will take into consideration when come to the time making decision for long term service contract.

monthly account will be pasted in the residents notice by the 15th of the following month, it shows the income & expenditure of the month, figure brought forward from previous month & balance of the current month, earlier on some residents questioned us abt the bank statement, so we will make arrangement for the bank statement to be pasted together with the monthly account starting this month.

company who provides management service will handle the account too, which means the management fee we pay them is not just for collection of SC & building supervisory but include this too, concerning the question is the accountant is competent or not then we should be judging this from the account they prepare, so far as we see for this company, we will say ok lah.

we will soon post some other answers soon, pls be patient & don't interpret it as we refuse to answer, meantime also allow other residents/readers to feedback concerning those things we have written above.
