we r entering the maintenance mode now...for at least another 5 months...
every month from the collection, we allocate RM3000 for the facilities related matters, for both maintenance & upgrading, & the priority is always need to be given to the maintenance.
for eg, if in the particular month, not much maintenance action needed, then in the following month we will hv spare $$ to upgrade some facilities, so for the past 12 months we do manage to do that, upgraded facilities namely CCTV, wall painting, new office, guard house renovation, etc.
(for record purpose, besides those upgrading as mentioned above, the other major expenses for the facilities but fall under maintenance category in the past 1 year includes blk k lift major rotor & motor repair, lift shoes replacement, swimming pool 2 main filters, T&G system micro-controller & loop detector replacement for both incoming & outgoing barriers, bomba riser room items, replacing main underground power cable at blk k switch room together w some main MCBs & ELCBs at the main switch room @ blk j, etc..., pls don't be surprised of these all the major repair, for most of our current facilities are more than 10 yrs old, some have reached 15yrs & have not been changed since installation, so since JMB took over in yr2009 until now, we r replacing those equipment which life span is up or almost up, otherwise may face the risk of major down....)
since last month, as we started to repair some badly leaking water tank, total abt 6 tanks need to be repaired, cost in between 15K to 20K, so by the calculation of fund allocation 3k for month, which will take up at least 5 months to pay the vendor.
to make the situation worse, the past 2 weeks' heavy rain exposed another area which also need urgent attention, the top floor unit roof leaking & some other floor's external wall leaking, for this kind of leaking only can be detected when the rain is extremely heavy, where the rain water will sip into apartment wall & ceiling, & it's under management's responsibility to get the leakage fixed.
to tackle external wall & top floor roof leaking problem, cost range from RM300 to RM1000, depending on how serious is the condition, so far have received 5 cases...
(pls note that it's only applied to EXTERNAL WALL & TOP FLOOR ROOF, but if it's leaking from the upper unit to the lower unit, then it's up to the upper floor resident to work with the lower floor resident to get the thing fixed)
so..., the next few months will be not much action on the facilities upgrade, but the management staff & MC members will still be busy running around to make sure every repair will worth for each penny we r spending.
Hi cheng & team,
Last nite really bad day for me to stay here because of this punjabi group had very noise and sing song & shouting. No brain at all.STUPID
1) Are they renting or own house?
2) What the security is doing, when they shout?
3) They parked motorbike near the lift lobby area.
4)In front of lift 11th floor area very dirty and full of ice cue water.
In that case, what we should do?
As i know security come up twice and warn but they still make noise..
time for the silent majority to act...
guard went up at 12am, then 12.20am, then 12.40am only then the noise was stopped.
a committee member went there almost the same time too, 12 plus..
vista house rules do states that after 12 midnight, excess noise is not allowed, that's why the guard was sent there to act, but before 12am, really not much can be done by guard or management, coz we only can act within the boundary of the house rules.
house rules do ban the alcohol at foyer area (decided last EGM), but not extend to lift lobby, so next EGM residents pls support the new rules for this kind of cases.
but this doesn't mean nothing can be done if it's too noisy before 12am, but we need residents (we call it silent majority) to put the act together.
many r upset on that day, but not many willing to call other residents to go together to express their unhappiness over the noise, i hv told our blk k committee if it happen again next time, they MUST get other residents to act together, but if everybody prefer jz get angry in the house but no one dare to come forward, then got to wait until 12am for the guard to do job, it's definitely too late for the school children & those who need to wake up early to go to work.
(i remember last year similar thing happen at blk k 7th flr, a group of college students played firecracker until midnight, made too much noise, security advice them to stop but they r too stubborn, at the end abt 40 angry residents together with committee went there to confront them at 1am, they were so afraid & hide inside the house until policemen came rescue them, the drama ended at abt 2.30am, & no more noise produced by them after the incident, now they hv moved out....)
we do not encourage violent act, but silent majority or residents come together to correct the wrongdoing of others, is really effective, so for the sake of peaceful & quiet living in vista, we hope next time residents will come together w committee to handle this problem together.
our immediate follow up action is get our supervisor to talk to them for the matter, also a notice has been put up at the blk k notice board, hope this helps.
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