Friday, June 20, 2014

some brief report on the AGM

first we want to thank God for the peaceful & successful AGM :)

we are glad that our residents have given MC the green light to apply for the financial aid for Vista building repainting, for we also reassured our residents that we will try our best to save enough money in the management fund for the 20% of total cost as part of the requirement set by state government, we hope that we need not to collect extra money residents by the time approval granted by government for this project. (just like those days we didn't collect from resident extra money for blk k lifts upgrade)

we are also thankful for the questions raised by residents during the AGM, for this have given us the opportunity to explain & clarify on various matters, and even to promote some of the on going projects. we also heard useful feedback from residents which we will bring to the committee meeting for new MC to consider.

some other important decision also be made especially concerning the fire insurance policy, besides explain to residents why such a huge increase in the recent premium, we also get instruction from residents that we should call an EGM to let residents decide for the next insurance renewal, for that we will call the insurance agent to explain in detail on the policy coverage before residents decide what level of coverage they would like to have for the common property & individual units.

we also glad to see many residents responded to the call of joining the new MC committee, in fact all the 14 slots are taken up, but after management office screen thought the payment status & other eligibility, 10 candidates are qualified to be in the MC, we are sorry for the 4 unqualified nominations mainly due to their outstanding Service Charge payment & fire insurance, but we would like to thank them for the heart to serve, and we believe surely they still can find many other areas in Vista which their contribution is truly needed.

now we are busy compiling the minutes & other documents for the submission to COB on this AGM, most likely the first MC meeting will be held next week, we welcome the new members to be on board with us, and we pray, hope & believe that by God's grace we will form a highly united team, and with the continuous support from our beloved residents, we will be able to bring further improvement to Vista Condo & making Vista a better place for living!

thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks MC for the update and effort to make improvement for Vista.

May all of you be well and happy and God bless.

Management Corporation :- said...


thanks for the affirmation :)