Friday, June 13, 2014

AGM tonight....

each time when AGM or EGM is near, honestly we do have some stress too.... :P

it's always so much worries & concerns, such as will we get scolded? will some angry residents become uncontrollable & take matters into their own hand? will peoples who can't get the parking lot which according to their wish be throwing tantrum there? or some very persistent water leaking problem will turn residents mad & we become the target during the meeting...???

for some of these happened during AGM/EGM before, but actually most of the AGM/EGM are the peaceful one, hope that tonight God will give us another peaceful & fruitful AGM :)

we understand that we are mere human being & it's impossible to solve all the problem, or make decision which will please everyone in Vista Condo, in fact sometimes we do made unwise decisions too, but overall we just glad that we didn't mess up too much things in Vista Condo, and we are happy to see some of the things we have done really benefits Vista residents, for this we would like to thank God, also thank Vista residents' support & cooperation on those successful projects.

what we hope for tonight is we will have an AGM which is like family members sit down together to discuss & decide on various matters, let's bear with each other & give others chance to express their opinion if there's some different views presented during the meeting. And from the MC, we would like to take this opportunity to update our residents over some of the on going & completed projects, and even future plan for Vista Condo.

so, see u guys tonight, look forward to the fruitful AGM :)


Crystal said...

hi, would like to thank all the committe members for their hard work and contributions,really appreciate it .

Anonymous said...

Job well done. Though not all having same view but there is need to acknowledge that there are wise decision made by the committee.

Unknown said...

Thanks. all the committee members for their hard work.

KK said...

Did not turn up as not feeling well that night. However, I believe with the wise committee and residents things will go well.

My gratitude to MC & Vista Condo resident.

Management Corporation :- said...


thanks for all the words of encouragement, as we have been entrusted with another term, we shall try our best to continue our struggle to make vista a better place to stay, and with the newly appointed MC members, we believe greater height we shall scale, hopefully by God's grace, brighter future for Vista Condo.

best regards.