some development on the matters,
the lift vendor managed to try run the lift on Saturday on the slower speed, and will do the fast speed test run after get few more things done, according to him another 2 days' time will see the completion.
well, as we said earlier, we are not expert & should not pretend to be expert, so as we heard this from him, we only can tell him pls get it done as soon as he can, but can't argue with him much abt the technical detail, unless we can have residents among us to check on the facts.
we hope that the try run on full speed will be smooth one & will soon have 2 lifts to serve blk k residents well until we are confident enough to shut down another lift for upgrade, but this time we wish they can plan better than another one, also according to him, this time should take much shorter time as he & his worker (and his own vendors) have understand the system better, but since we have "not so good" experience with him for the first lift, our expectation on the length of time to be taken is rather reserved.
concerning the playground, or the nicer term, mini recreation center, we have moved the fence toward the pool, and pleasantly found out the space is quite wide, we have received the quotation abt the exercise/gym set, and soon forward to ADUN or MP for their consideration to allocation fund, and perhaps if it take too long for them to approval our request then we can even to purchase 2 set first for residents to use.
of course if anyone like to sponsor, then best lah... :)
For safety & also cosmetic reason, I would suggest to look into the installation of the swimming pool drain cover first.
I can sponsor part of the cost.
it should be done within this year, will contact u thru email.
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