Friday, November 9, 2012

waiting is torturing....

waiting is big part of the job in the service as committee members...

waiting for the daily report to be sent to our email, waiting for the monthly account to be updated so that we will see clearer our finance status, waiting for the vendors to get the equipment up in the breakdown cases, waiting in anxiety especially if it involved lifts & water pump, waiting for the phone calls from the bosses if their staffs didn't turn up in vista condo....

but these waitings are the short duration ones, can be ranged from few hour to few weeks, what really torturing are those long term ones, up to months, or even years, it will consume your patience & eventually if your patience is up & the projects will need to be called off.

2 projects now facing testing period are the sinking fund & government fund, as developer has been liquidated & now we can only approach liquidator for the money (although court case still on), it seems this will be a long battle, but can u see if we would just give up then who will be the happiest person???

of course there are many reasons why we should just give up on pursuing the sinking fund, just like many other apartment do..., sometimes thoughts like why should we care as we face accusation on money matter, or why should we be busy body as other residents don't even contribute a bit in this effort of taking back the sinking fund, or other untold-able statements by residents which really make us think that our effort is not worthwhile.

but at the end of the day, we understand that as we have started it, it's only right we finish it well, we still have faith that thru God's divine intervention we will see the money, not just the sinking fund but fund from government too, but we really have no idea when, 2012 is almost end, how abt 2013? or 2014? or beyond it....?

once awhile we also strike by the thought that if the sinking fund won't be back soon then where should we get the money for lift upgrade, building painting or water tank lining replacement...? all these jobs must be done in this coming 5 years due to their conditions....

do have some plan for new sinking fund, especially now as we have settled (or settling) some urgent matter which involve big money like TNB deposit, pump replacement, lift rotor, will share next week.



BJR said...

2013 will be a new beginning and may we obtain the sinking + goverment funds to settle most of the major projects by next year.

I have faith with the Vista Condo MC team. God bless.

BJR said...

I support to MC team. They can do.........

VISTA MC Boleh!!!!!

Guys can do it.