one management expert once said, those who doesn't plan actually plans for the failure, if he is right then if we don't plan for Vista Condo's future, then we may heading for trouble.
of course we don't hv to fully agree with him, but seems there's some truth in his saying too, imagine if 15 years ago (when Vista condo has just started been occupied by residents) the developer appointed managing agent willing to take a trouble to draft plan for 5 years, 10 years, 15 years then for sure today our condo should be in much better shape!
ideally speaking, if those days they already come out with the schedule of when to paint the building, when to upgrade the lifts, when to change the water tank, when to replace the bomba equipment, when to upgrade all the pump...etc, then putting in the cost, compare with the income...together with other planning stuffs, then our money will be in good used for the maintaining & upgrading the facilities, & today we should be living in the real condo environment.
of course it didn't happen, so now it has become even harder to plan for the future, coz of those facilities which lacked of sufficient maintenance action, are currently still poking holes in our wallet, in other words, like the black hole sucking our finance, mainly for repairing, most severe one is lifts, water tank also.
our biggest difficulty now is even as we sit down trying to plan for the next 10 years, too much of finance is needed for upkeeping this place, it's indeed a big big big challenge of how to make Vista Condo still having her lifts running well, paint of the building still looks ok, also other facilities are in reasonable condition after 10 years.
let's quote a few items, painting of building is abt RM250K, 4 lift control system is RM280K, 4 lift cars w/doors RM100K, water tanks lining 160K, bomba equipment RM50K, for these are the major items which need to be maintained well now so that they can be safely used in the coming 10 years....
the total is (250 + 280 + 100 + 160 + 50) = RM740K!
hehehe! even if we manage to recover our sinking fund, it's abt RM400, still short of RM340K.
if u feel a bit down, or discouraged by this figure..., don't feel so negative now, we do have some way to counter this, will share more in next posting...:)
Thank you MC for the short and long term proactive planning.
If everyone share the load, I believe we can do miracle easily. If everyone contribute 1k, we already can paint the whole building. That is a dream come true!! I think it is important for the building to be painted in long run as it form a protection for the wall. If everyone want to enjoy a real condo, let's contribute together. It is time. You n me. WE can do it!!
We hv already paid/contributed 1k(sinking fund) by the time we purchase the unit,get the developer to return the fund...........
Yes, of course I know because I'm also same like you my dear. But I also understand that the developer is dragging their feet on that and we do not have a date to get them to return us the $$.
I still remember a vendor quoted me RM2.8k for my small little 700sqf unit inside the house. By spending just 1k for the whole building, I can forseen our apartment market price to be increase from RM170k now to more than RM200k after painting. Who is benefited in the end? Siapa yang untung?
I really solute the MC and feel thankful for their patient and understanding.
Legal action already taken against developer,let them return the fund....hey...cari makan sekarang banyak susah, makan pun problem,lagi mau bayar satu ribu lagi kah???fikirlah ............
Than we should stop complaining about poor matainance like a pampered child.
You are right, we need to think deeper what WE want. Please fikirlah masak-masak demi Vista future....
I felt SORRY to the MC as they are working hard but WE.......
Please FORGIVE me if I hurt any of your feeling but this is from the bottom of my heart as a resident.
THANK YOU to the MC team again for their patient.
I still LOVE Vista Condo and looking forward for a real condo.
Will stop here.
Hi Residents,
We should thank to Mr.cheng,Mr.Deva,Mr.Jeffery & members. They really work hard for our place vista condo. Recently blk K lift have so many problem until down for 2 weeks, all of them try they level best to up. We should thank them, even not get any salary from us.
Encourage them.......
Hi MC,
Any plan to do durian party on next month because i would like to bring my friend, i share the last year durian party, he was get surprised? so i would like to bring my friend.
It's really wonderful party.
Thanks to MC members.
thanks for all the feedback, suggestion, compliment & encouragements,
1) any decision abt increasing fee or collecting additional sinking fund will need to be tabled at the AGM for residents to consider, & to be decided by them as well, so at the moments it's ok to discuss but let's not get "overheated", i mean arguing....:P
2) the price of durian still quite high, due to poor harvest, but we r checking around to see if can get cheap & good one, then will organise the durian party.
3) the hearing of application of our case against developer has done, so now the trial is fixed on july 5th, may God help us...
makan pun sudah problem,we don't have extra money to pay for additional sinking funds,get the developer to return the funds..........
vista resident.
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