Friday, August 14, 2009

contractors' performance

last nite the committee sacked Alex, the security guard who had help to catch the theft few mths ago, sigh, he was found drunk while he was guarding the guard post, so bad that he can't even open the gate for the incoming vehicles, so, out he goes!

he is the second vendor we have asked to leave Vista, the 1st was the previous supervisor, due to his attitude problem, many residents hv complaint abt that, then we sadly adviced his boss to release him.

let's do some review on the contractors here, again, pls send us ur feedback so we can hv the better picture of that.

we r actually rated security service "ok", Ganesan, Kaka, Wan, even Alex hv been helping a lot, the only problem we had w/ them is letting car w/o proper sticker to come in too easily, it end up fined more than RM100 so far.

Cleaning service, we rec'd positive comment, it was bit hiccup in April coz they can't send regular worker then, in fact they did more than what required like cutting grass, chopping branches, watering plant, shifting soil.

lift service, just so-so, we still encounter problems, the only person master the skill well is their boss, but the technicians still take too much time to fix the problems, respond time also not so good.

swimming pool, so far so good, now our worry is our own equipments, not too sure how long the aging pump & filter can continue to serve us, Rajan the swimming pool vendor keep reminding us of that!

electrical & gen set contractor, charge is (very) cheap, workmanship ok, but again respond time is a bit too long, no choice, he's from Butterworth, only when urgent case he will come immediately, others got to wait.

how abt the management? the workers tried very hard to meet our expectation, i would like to comment their commitment, especially during time when sticker just been introduced. but still wide room for improvement for the 2 workers, Vicky & Kumar, the way they attend to residents' complaint & inquiry.

pls write to us so we can assess their performance better.



Anonymous said...

Hi Chairman,

I hear something this morning from your committee member say that yesterday night in JMB committee meeting have facing difficulty decision making about the Indian Temple Anniversay. Is difficulty judgement for this issue. If you allow the people coming, committe member will facing the voice from resident. If not allow them to do that, committee also facing religion sensitive issue.

For my way to handle this issue when I facing this difficulty judgement. I will throwback the thing to the people who make you difficultly make decision the on this with term & condition. Let them do something can return some benefit to resident. One of my idea is ask them make donation for resident maintainance fund. That may see something and they must appreciate, if commttee allow them to do that with the term & condition. I think this should be both side happy and win on this.

Talking about the guard service. Until today I never see the guard do their job to return the benefit to resident. They alway stay in house and not proper checking for incoming car and motorbye. And also not updated record for any visitor enter the Vista Condo Property. I hope they must immediately action taken to provide their quality service to checking the incoming car, motorbye and visitor record. Always updated with management office about the outsanding maintainance fee, to control the resident always pay their maintainance fee up to date. This is their job to return to us and with no any excuse. Because they have take high grade cost from resident.

About the some of resident they never pay their maintainance fee. The management office staff need to provide us their professional service to do something on this. Looking for them face to face and make the record about their comment. And tell them what we going to do for next step. Straightaway to do that should be something come out.

We don't want to see JMB committee member work hard for everything withou anything and drop down due to poor service of all the external services people. They must understanding that resident pay them to get their quality service.

Thanks you & Hard work for you.

Anonymous said...


Could u plz reply on tis,we are still waiting 4 ur reply :--(1)Refer 2 ur reply on 7/8:-PEX8633 , owner don't feel secure to keep sticker in the car, Very very funny !!!!Why owner feel not secure 2 keep d sticker in their car if they hv registered car sticker with them,tis car r not moving since end of July.I dun think the car owner hv sticker. (2)According 2 ur feedback,tow truck guy get d sticker from his friend , both sticker r registered & filled properly ??? ??.Pls let us know from whre he get d sticker?Blk K 14th floor,,which unit no#??Besides tat, why ur guard still let tis car PEU9217(switching car sticker in between their both car)to park inside vista condo tis morning 21/8.Wat happen to tis car ACL6388 w/o car sticker parking @ vista condo 21/8@9am ,why ur guard let those car w/o sticker parked inside?thxs

vista residents

boonseng said...


it's true that we hv some problem deciding on the temple matter, i'll write more abt that 2moro on my weekly article.

we hv instructed the guard to inspect EVERY car entering the compound refer to the latest list (car#, lot#), any car not in the list shud not be allowed entering, let's see how it will turn up. (trust me, if residents still complaint abt the same problem & we find out it's true, no more excuse but termination!)

we only can say PEX8633 is in the system, pls do drop by office to check it out when u free. the same applied to tow truck, the staff can even tell u the friend who let him use the lot is from which unit & payment status, u got to bear with me that some info i can't reveal here due to privacy, but as i said, pls do drop by office or call them to check, tel#0125557658.

we r very serious abt how the vendors perform (guard, supervisor, cleaner, etc) their duties, we did sack some of them due to poor performance, last meeting we talked lengthy abt that & decided on some new procedure (eg, checklist) to make sure that they do their job, let's see how.
