Friday, March 6, 2015

EGM on 18/3/15

in last MC meeting, committees decided to call an EGM on 18/3/15, 8pm to decide on few matters.

first is the fire insurance, we have mentioned much in the last post concerning, so won't touch much on this topic now at this post, just to recap, it's to let residents to decide what kind of coverage they wish to have, higher coverage will come with higher premium, so most likely we will present to residents package of 200K, 250K and 300K for residents to decide.

second one will be the lift T&G scanner system, for we have checked around (especially in the blog) and found out most of the residents prefer to have the scanner system in our lifts, mainly due to safety issue as it will help prevent outsider to come to our blocks easily, but it also will help to force the hardcore defaulters to pay their outstanding service charge, especially those staying at 4th flr & above.

another benefit is to make sure the renovators to behave better, with this system in place, the management can bar the card which given by the house owner to the renovator for their house renovation if the renovator keep breaking our house rules. at the moment we only rely on security guard & management to do spot check & advice them if they break our rules, but very hard to stop them from entering into our place, so with the lift scanner system, we just need to bar the card then they can't function anymore.

we will also touch on the foreigners hostel topic, to find the way together with residents on how to deal with it, because according to law the owner of the unit can rent to anyone they like, but from our side we also need to do our part to protect local residents' welfare, some of the method we would like to propose to residents including not to issue lift T&G scanner card to those unit which have been rented out as factory hostel, but for doing that we will need to include it into our house rules, for that purpose we will need residents to approve in the EGM......

so, see you all in the coming EGM, thanks.

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