few matters to update our beloved Vista residents...
1) walkway shade - the 6 walkway shades have get completed on Thursday, so far our residents response is quite encouraging, especially those with little kids & elderly ppl, for these shade will be helpful during rainy days, as now we can see more rains are visiting Penang, and we mentioned in last posting, our bigger concern is the safety, for these shade also provide some covering for our residents from those falling object like gutter, bottles, pots, etc....
2) foreigners' hostel - we have contacted EXCO YB Jagdeep Singh's PA & get the confirmation that the ruling that low medium cost (LMC) & low cost (LC) apartments are not supposed to convert to be foreigners hostel & it also applies to private apartments like us, so for this we have asked the management office to get for us the list of such hostel in Vista, and it have been forwarded to EXCO's office for them to send notice the house owners & take further action if they fail to comply with the ruling.
3) lift upgrade - we have warned the vendor to complete the process of lift upgrade in blk k, for which the electrical & mechanical have been upgraded but the new door, wall & floor still remain outstanding, we told them if they don't get it done in May then we may not be able to advice the state gov't to release full payment to them, and we also will think twice for the future upgrade in blk j lift, perhaps should give other vendor a chance...
4) building repainting - thank God there's some new development concerning this matter, our blk k resident Mr Selva has found out from EXCO that now the state gov't also willing to consider the application for the financial aid for building repainting for private project (in the past they only opened for gov't built & low cost flat), now we are contacting contractors to provide quotations & will present to residents during AGM (end of May or early June) for approval, under this scheme state gov't will contribute 80% of the cost, and 20% by our residents, pls wait for the notice for the AGM.
Dear beloved MC,
Thanks for bringing so many good new s and updates. feel so lucky for been Vista resident!
May God bless us all.
Hi MC,
I have make a complain to Management office on Blk K Level 9 rubbish room water tap leakage and light faulty but nothing have been done. It's already 3 weeks!!!
Please help and get this done as the water is dripping out from the water tap and it is a waste of resources.
thanks for the words of encouragement.
concerning the water tap problem, we have called the plumber & he said he has got the job request sheet from the office & will attend to the 9th flr rubbish room problem soon.
Hi MC,
The water tap issue done but the lighting still remain unsolve.
Please help to get this done!
Just an idea to address the issue more faster and effective with photo to proof it, can we have a website that linked to management office? It will simplify the understanding of the issue rather them explaining to management office and they does not understand what is the actual condition.
Resident can checked on their reported issue status/progress through the website.
the lighting issue, is it a light in rubbish room or corridor?
abt the website (or link) for maintenance repair request & report, we are looking into it now & should have a trial run hopefully in June, if everything goes smoothly.
Hi MC,
The rubbish room.
Good to hear that Vista Condo has a website for resident to lodge report on surrounding issue.
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