few matters like to upda our beloved residents,
1) for those who read Chinese newspaper, maybe you guys have noticed few months ago our neighboring apartment had accused us causing their sewage piping clogged, they even brought YB & reporter to view their sewage manholes, and came out with the conclusion that some part of pipe in our side has collapse but without sufficient proof. But instead of arguing with them, we have asked our own contractor to check all our manhole, and found out it's all in good condition but we still ask our contractor to clear it again, just for in case. We even changing the pipe near the main entrance to solve the floor sinking problem even though it seems not related to their clogging problem, so by doing so it should have solved their clogging problem if their theory is right.
But unfortunately even after we have make sure our side is ok, their clogging problem got worse! so bad that some of their manholes even overflow & causing bad stinky smell at their 2 blocks which nearest to Vista Condo, so we were called by the MPPP, COB dept to attend the meeting on Friday, during the meeting we managed to convince them since all our manholes are clear then we should not be blamed for their clogging problem, but we will still arrange for the joint inspection to show them our manholes are clear, and we even willing to provide the access to IWK to go through our manholes to clear their manholes or repair their piping crack (in case) since no way anyone can go into their manholes since they are full of shit...., the purpose we update our residents concerning this issue is so that no one is misled by those false accusation...
2) abt the lift upgrade, lift vendor has finished all the jobs in motor room, all the wiring for the hall calling button, has perform fast speed test & calibrated the lift for every floor, every things seem ok now, but a little bug on the lift digital display wiring, so now they are rectifying the problem, according to them not a serious problem, and we still praying hard that they quickly settle this problem so our residents can start using it....
3) like to urge residents don't feed the pigeons, we will put up the notice for this matter, as now the pigeon have caused some problems here, their shit had dirtied the foyer & swimming pool, even for long run can damage residents owning at the balcony, the swimmers also feel not comfortable as these pigeons also shitting & drinking the water of our swimming pool, worry that they may have left some germs there too, but it's true that pigeons' shit is bad for health especially for kids playing at the foyer regularly, so if you know of anyone have been feeding the pigeon pls ask them to be more considerate & stop feeding any kind of birds.
Can we have a simple ceremony to inspect the lifts? I want to follow up as I started this. Pls email me at honwai_wong@yahoo.com
So far have any update for the blok k lift ?
hi YB,
what a honor! we will definitely get in touch with u on this, email should be sent in next couple of days.
pls refer to our next posting for some good news on lift upgrade.
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