Friday, September 4, 2009

action on hardcore defaulter

we r sending out the final warning letter to the hardcore defaulter, those hv owed more than 6 mths service charge, the letter will be out next tuesday.

we give them until end of sept'09 to settle all, failing which,

1) notice of demand will be sent, then follow by legal action.

2) regular car parking lot used by them in the past, will be allocated to other residents.

there r 39 of them, most have not pay since Jan'2009, total debt is abt RM35k, including the fire insurance.

imagine what RM35k can do? a lot indeed, especially now the aging lift need some repairing urgently, also, many gutters r in bad shape, how abt TNB & water bill, security, claening, etc...

it's not fair just rely on the good pay masters to pay for the service of vendors & utility bills, & we hv given enough time & chance for these hardcore defaulter, so now it's time for action.

(for u guys' info, abt 60% of residents do pay SC on time, abt 10% will pay abt 1 or 2 mths late, 15% r not paying since collected their sticker, most likely will pay in dec'09 when they need new sticker)

special thanks to the 60% of the good pay master, we hope ur good example will be followed by all the Vista residents.



Anonymous said...

Hi Cheng,

About the 10% and 15% bad pay owner, if they have this bad habit. The management staff & security guard need to do their job to stop them parking their car inside. The management staff and security guard they need to return something to us because we are pay them. If not, we can stop the to pay them until they do & meet their job without any excuss. Because shortage collection how to pay them?

Until now I haven't see any action taken for the security guard to checking & verify for incoming car and motorcycle and they always sitting inside the guard house only. ( Only pay them sitting in guard house )

The management staff haven't provide their professional job to return us. ( Always follow and never plan themselve ) They should know how to do, because they have experience and more professional on this to handle it.

I hope and they must review all the comment and complaint from this blog. How they feeling?

boonseng said...


like to address the issue of firecracker 1st...

some1 actually saw d k-block guy played it on monday b4 noon time, alerted me & we called guard to advice the person not to do it here, let's continue to monitor.

we also like to appeal to residents if detect similar things, pls call guard immediately, tel#017-4095022.

it take every residents' cooperation to create better living environment in vista, i believe we r moving toward it.
