hv no choice but got to chop down those trees, the rotten ones.
only found out recently that, termites hv conquered our swimming pool too, they built their house at the trunks, branches, roots, no wonder there's always incidents of falling branches, thank goodness no body injured by that so far.
at first we only be troubled by the fallen leaves, which hv block the filter of the pool & caused problem of overflowing, waste our water, there was suggestion to chop the tree but AGM decided to chop branches, not tree.
but now, trees need to be chopped, for public safety, time is running out, those seemingly strong trunk & branches are actually will fall or collapse as inside them just hollow!
notice being put up to inform residents abt the plan, we will wait for 1 week for residents to feedback their view, or like to hv a look by themselves, in fact they should see how bad the condition.
Suggest replace with durian trees so can get shade and free durians!
free durian? no lah....will sell it to get some $$$$ for building maintenance...hehe :)
most likely wil replace them with palm tree, or coconut tree.
watever tree will do as long nature is being preserved...he..he trying to be nature lover pulak::)
btw, just wanna thank the brave souls(the resident and securities) who captured the potential thieve the other nite...well done heroes...we should celebrate them i say>>
j blogger
This are very good action...we can replace others trees or flower to replace it and make our swimming pool more clean..that good...thanks
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