vista residents will hv opportunity to solve the car parking problem once & for all....but, are we too optimistic?
let's 1st talk our current problem, many residents park more than 2 cars in the compound, this cause shortage of the parking lot, then, those who are without parking lot refused to pay service charge (SC), then, due to shortage of fund, we only can employ 2nd class vendor to maintain our facilities, then, more residents don't pay SC coz they see the service is bad, then....u see the chain-reaction?
well, now the car parking sticker is suggested & passed in AGM, 1 parcel 1 sticker, which means only 1 car/parcel be allowed, this is good to make sure all the residents will hv their parking lot, also this will make sure residents to pay SC as the condition to issue the sticker is depend on their payment status.
idea is ideal, but implementation....? definitely tough! some1 told me better to hire few body guard to protect the security guard, worry that some residents will beat up the guard when refused the entry; also some say to place the CCTV to check if the guard will be bribed to let car without sticker to enter; also some say committee member will need to watch out their safety as these residents are angry.....
it takes all parties' cooperation to make this plan success! we hv told security guard not to quarrel with residents but just to stay firm, worst case they will need to call policemen. abt the bribe, we hv get the security company to agree with us that once we find a car without sticker in our compound, then deduction of RM20 will applied on the monthly fee, so if we find 10 cars, then deduction will be RM200! then abt the committee's safety, we only can look to God for protection.
i'm personally quite confident with the plan, simply bcoz i hv seen majority of residents do like to see the problem of car park, SC, facilities, etc to be solved, & they are agreeable to the plan, & at the moment we r sharing the vision to as many residents as we can, hope that they can see the points too.
tough, but exciting task, huh?
Hi Cheng,
Just a walk down memory lane....
A long long time ago, when Awan Setia started managing this property, they were optimistic about car stickers too. In fact, it was also implemented in the phase 2.
Any idea why they change from the sticker to the key card? Simple. IT DOESN"T WORK as they had then hoped.
What happened? Lets just say resident A paid the SC and got a sticker. So does everybody else. BUT 3 months down the road, some of the residents decided not to pay anymore since the security guard only recognize the stickers then they will 'lift' the bar. They will not know which unit have paid or vice versa.
Since Awan Setia lost control of who goes in or out regardless of the status of that resident's SC, they gave up on the stickers and moved on to the keycard. The advantage of the keycard system is they can disable whoever that owes them money.
So please reconsider if this is really a solution when others have failed. Most apartments where access is controlled will use the keycard. Do a survey if you don't believe me.
Best of luck.
thanks for the feedback, we did consider that, there's why we have set the sticker's validity only 6 mths (July'09 to Dec'09).
we do expect some residents will not continue to pay SC after pick up their sticker, well they may be able to get away for maximum 6 mths, when next sticker issued at 2010, they will need to pay the debt with the interest.
share with u our secret plan...., still considering it at the moment, by year end we will either get a lawyer to send the notice of demand to the defaulter, or alert city council to deal with them, trust me, the new state government are pretty serious concerning this...
thanks again...
Hi Cheng,
Sounds like you have a plan there but one question. Do the residents have to pay RM3 every 6 months for the stickers? or just pay RM3 one time only? How about making giving it away 'free'(deduct from their payment) to those who don't have outstanding payment and willing to pay for 6 months?
Frankly speaking, paying RM3 every 6 months is too much. Once also too much.
Engaging a lawyer's service requires money. Cases may drag on. Please don't spend money this way as the fund may not be enough for such things.
With the existing keycard infrastructure, keeping defaulter out is as simple as clicking a mouse and you don't have to wait 6 months to get their attention. It is effective immediately.
Please don't spend unnecessarily and don't burden us with RM3 every 6 months. Make do with what we have. If the residents don't have the keycard, don't let them in. It is not the fault of the system but it is the weakness in the enforcement that allows for people without keycards to enter. If guards are strict, existing infrastructure would be sufficient. Nobody have to spend an extra cent. Even if repairs may be necessary, it would be a worthwhile investment. All 'high end' apartments/condos use keycard systems. Why are we going backwards?
How many of the committee members don't have keycards? Do you know?
thanks for ur input...
suppose to tell u we r not giving up the keycard system yet, as i shared in the AGM, it just that at the moment RM7k repair cost may be a bit high, in fact if majority resident vote for it on that nite, we wil go ahead with that then. (btw, were u in AGM?)
i do see some good point abt keycard system, as u mentioned. well, no perfect system, it failed in Vista condo due to human weakness. i can foresee car sticker will fail too if we don't arrest that same problem, so we r telling the guard that don't play the fool, or they wil suffer pay cut or kick out from the job.
i must say this, let's give it a try for now, as majority residents voted for it, (in fact out of 3 options, keycard system get the least counts of votes, just in case u were not there), today abt 40 resident came & collect their sticker, most of them positive, few were not happy with the idea as they forced to pay their few months SC & insurance.
one advantage of car sticker is that it has lot#, so after we confirm & register the lot for particular unit, then the owner can't simply change the lot, not even the JMB or managing agent can manipulate it, but i myself was a victim eventhough i'm a keycard holder, i was forced to park my car just next to rubbish dump site eventhough i'm from j-block, some internal arrangement was done to move my parking lot there few yrs ago, but i can't fight as i hv no proof to show awan setia that i should hv better parking lot...(yeah, few months ago i replaced the card, RM20)
only time can tell if the plan wil success? my hope is we wil be able to find the best solution for the situation, another wish, later on when we r in better financial position to repair the barrier then we wil hv more option to choose, thanks & rgds.
Hi Cheng,
Do the residents have to pay RM3 every 6 months for the stickers? or just pay RM3 one time only?
Sticker system is open to abuse as history has proven time and again in many places. I personally have bad experiences with them in many places until keycards were introduced. I would really like to see the keycard system back in place as the committee will find it easier to manage access and collect payment in the long run.
I attended the meeting and found that voting process needs to be improved as double or triple voting still happens despite of measures taken. Suggest to distribute some kind of token, one for each unit. Vote counting then based on raised hands holding the token with unit number.
agree with u, my feeling is, keycard system will eventually return to serve the residents, & i believe sticker system wil help smooth implementation of keycard system in the future, let me explain:
we r at the moment clearing up the mess left behind by the previous management, especially those parking lots after the dumb site. some residents had came back to us few time coz some1 else had used their lot, but as we checked, another parties also claimed the same thing...
so as we r distributing the sticker, we help them to "register" a fix lot, then we keep a master copy of owner/car#/lot#/phone# info in the office & 1 copy for the guard, this will help to resolve any dispute in the future even when we switch to keycard system.
when car w/o sticker enter the compound. we can immediately spot it & fine the security guard company, this is advantage of it. I'm still thinking how to detect if the guard accept bribe when we go back to keycard system, as 4 now, they just need to wave their hand & guard wil just let them in.
we need to charge RM3 each time we issue, no choice, at the moment we r not in the financial position to fund the free sticker. (some of projects we r planning to improve income like set up mini-store which the staff will help us FOC, renting un-used parking lot..., hope it can start in July)
admit that some improvement needed for voting, ur idea is good, most likely wil use it.
Why should residents pay $40 for the new keycard system implemented by JMB....nonsence...If you guys (JMB) implement any new proposal / any new plan..JMB should bare the cost and not residents since we pay SC $100 per mth and the worst case now is that , we have to spend extra money n time to collect the strata title which requested by JMB .Meanwhile,I still remember JMB put up d notice to remove the "dust collecting bikes"which parked around the compound but until now,we can still notice that some of the " dust collecting bikes" still parking there...JMB,,where;s ur commitment?
hi, thanks for ur feedback.
r u referring to the AGM min? there is an option proposed (by resident) during AGM to repair the keycard system (it's not new proposal or new system), it cost abt RM7k, then some1 did the calculation, it come out to RM40 roughly each unit. just in case u r not aware, the keycard system was down since March, incoming side. (if u read on, u should know that the proposal was not accepted)
(oh, keycard actually is touch n' go card as some of us call it)
JMB can't force resident to get their strata title, it's their freedom, but of course also requirement of strata title act (resident need to collect it after notice from developer released), the reason we encourage resident to apply for their strata title now so that MC can be formed (14 resident will be committee, not necessary from JMB) with the formation of MC, developer wil need to transfer the sinking fund to resident, then the $$$ can be used for painting & other repair. but as i said, it's ur choice.
thanks for remind us abt "dust collecting bike", (we mention abt it in the blog, but no notice so far from JMB as i can recall, perhap u r referring one from previous management, correct me if i'm wrong...pls do allow me to check) but it's in our agenda, wil do that at the end of July after resident hv collected bike sticker, we wil move not just the dusted-bike, but also bike-without-sticker, they wil be moved to the end of block-K for further action, so that more parking space wil be created near foyer area, we wil ask resident try to park their bike there, as security guard hv better view on that.
JMB's commitment...not for me to comment, as i am also part of it, well perhap i'm not up to mark, but the rest really do their best, feel free to drop by in our meeting, it's on 1st & 3rd wednesday of month, 9pm at the office.
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