vista residents will hv opportunity to solve the car parking problem once & for all....but, are we too optimistic?
let's 1st talk our current problem, many residents park more than 2 cars in the compound, this cause shortage of the parking lot, then, those who are without parking lot refused to pay service charge (SC), then, due to shortage of fund, we only can employ 2nd class vendor to maintain our facilities, then, more residents don't pay SC coz they see the service is bad, then....u see the chain-reaction?
well, now the car parking sticker is suggested & passed in AGM, 1 parcel 1 sticker, which means only 1 car/parcel be allowed, this is good to make sure all the residents will hv their parking lot, also this will make sure residents to pay SC as the condition to issue the sticker is depend on their payment status.
idea is ideal, but implementation....? definitely tough! some1 told me better to hire few body guard to protect the security guard, worry that some residents will beat up the guard when refused the entry; also some say to place the CCTV to check if the guard will be bribed to let car without sticker to enter; also some say committee member will need to watch out their safety as these residents are angry.....
it takes all parties' cooperation to make this plan success! we hv told security guard not to quarrel with residents but just to stay firm, worst case they will need to call policemen. abt the bribe, we hv get the security company to agree with us that once we find a car without sticker in our compound, then deduction of RM20 will applied on the monthly fee, so if we find 10 cars, then deduction will be RM200! then abt the committee's safety, we only can look to God for protection.
i'm personally quite confident with the plan, simply bcoz i hv seen majority of residents do like to see the problem of car park, SC, facilities, etc to be solved, & they are agreeable to the plan, & at the moment we r sharing the vision to as many residents as we can, hope that they can see the points too.
tough, but exciting task, huh?