we are at the moment replacing quite a sizable length of Bomba underground pipe near the swimming pool foyer area, it's a long overdue project which we plan to do first quarter of this year, but due to lacking of fund then we only can do it now at the second quarter of 2015.
well, another 2 projects which also should be carried out in first quarter but still can't be done up to this day due to money problem are the lift T&G scanner & water tank :(
back to the bomba pipe, sometimes ago we have noticed that the bomba pump had been set to manual mode instead of supposedly auto mode, after much investigation, the conclusion is a section of bomba pipe at the swimming pool entrance is crack & it made the pump pressure keep dropping, and if the pump is to set to auto mode then there will be wasting a lot of water & current as the pump need to keep running in order to generate enough pressure, and we subsequently contacted few vendor to have a look on the problem but didn't go ahead with them as we were not convinced of their workmanship and proposal.
so we have reluctantly left the pump in the manual mode, always reminded the supervisor & guard to ON the pump in case of fire, but deep in our heart there's no peace, because we are not sure if the guard (especially those new guard).
until last year, when the issue was brought up again by the newly elected MC, we felt that we should get this done as soon as possible as we have found the reliable fire fighting facility vendor to maintain our equipment, but then the finance was an issue because the quoted price RM14K was out of our reach.
thank God, after months of effort to build the fund, we lastly in the good financial position to replace the Bomba pipe, and the vendor also kind enough to reduce the price to abt RM12K (we also have another 2 quotations for the same project, quoted 16K & 20K respectively), even can be paid in 2 installment, so few weeks ago we have confirmed the project with them & now they are installing the new pipe for us :)
it will take few days to complete it, meanwhile we will open the pool side gate residents to enter the swimming pool area, after the completion, we should check & make sure all the Bomba riser room hose reel & valve are still in good condition to hold the pressure when we set the pump to auto mode, or else it may burst & water will flow into the lift, which can cause major break down to the lift, like what happened abt 3 years ago....scary experience.....
let's pray that everything will ok, thanks.
Hi, As we know common area have free access wifi for Vista Condo resident to utilize. May i know whether have other free access wifi spot at Vista Condo area? How about this wifi utility fee is it part of our monthly maintenance fee? Thanks.
Hi Management,
Noticed that corridor light (in front lift) located at blok K level 12 has spoiled since last month, no one come and repair. Please take action.
thanks for feedback & opinion....
1) besides the free wifi for the main foyer, the middle floors of blk k also can access to wifi service with same password, actually earlier on we wanted to use this line for CCTV to be viewed remotely but somehow facing some protocol issue so it didn't get done, and now the line still left there.
2) will get electrician to check the 12th flr light problem.
best regards.
Please double confirm ASAP with password (vistacondo1234) is correct password for blk k middle floors wifi service. i have try several devices also unable to connect with reject authentication problem. Thanks.
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