some updates as follows,
1) lift update, we suppose to get the vendor to do it right after Deepavali, but then he was engaged himself with a big project in Relau and after he has solved it, he found himself need to settle another breakdown lift case, by the time he get himself available for upgrading our lift last week, he told him to put on hold until after Chinese New Year, as the upgrade will take abt 1 month according to his estimation, but to play safe, we better do it after CNY because we worry that if he can't get it done within a month, then residents will need to climb staircase during the festival season shall another lift also down.
2) IWK pipeline issue, we still in the tug of war with our neighbor Villa Condo concerning this matter, understand that their side again called in the reporters to tell of their version of story, but we did explain to the concerned authorities that we want to make sure that the contractor (recommended by IWK & SPAN) can convince us with the right solution or else we don't not want just waste our money into the their guessing job. For residents' info, few contractors came & gave different views on the matters, one said pipeline collapsed at our side then repair cost will be abt 19K (shared by both side), another one said unlikely pipeline collapsed but major clog at the joint area (with villa pipe), need to use very powerful jet to clear it, cost abt 14K, but our stand is Villa Condo should take care of their own waste, they must find way to channel their waste into their existing IWK outlet without flowing through our pipe, or else in the future the problem will be keep repeating, ie once clogged both sides will be pointing finger to each other, so now we are still waiting for the right solution on the matter.
3) facility upgrade, glad to inform our beloved residents that God has blessed vista condo in the financial area, so now we are in the good position of either to upgrade an existing facility or add one new facility in first quarter of 2014, budget in between 10k to 15k, at the moment we have those projects in mind, such as gym room, basketball/badminton multipurpose court, kids playground, so we are now gathering more info, proposal & quotations from vendors & will present it to residents in AGM or EGM for our residents to decide which project they want, we will send out the notice once info ready, meanwhile if you have any suggestion (besides the above mentioned items) pls feel free to write to us.
Hi MC,
I suggest that we shall have few recycle bin which can located at entrance area such as area near with lift there. We should doing our part to keep the environment clean. thanks!
Dear MC,
Thank you for your great contribution for the past 1 year. Vista Condo would not have been in an improving condition without your effort and hard work. I bought my units in 2011 and I can clearly see the improvement for the past 2 years. Vista Condo is getting better each year!!
Now we almost have our new lift at block J and I think that is amazing. I would like to remind again to install a plastic cover to protect the lift buttons so that we can prolong the lifespan.
By the way, since we have a good position in the Financial, may I suggest again to put on the drainage cover at the swimming pool as I see it as a thread to safety too. I remember u have told me it will cost about RM4k during the last quote. I would like to contribute 1k as promised last time. Can we make it happen in January?
thanks for feedback & suggestion,
1) last time we did the recycling project by putting the bins at foyer, but before long some residents started to put in all kind of rubbish :(
let me bring up again to the committee see if they want to try one more time :)
2) thanks for reminding us on swimming pool drain cover, we almost forgot abt this, will try to push it through this month.
best regards.
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