after saturday's appreciation party for YB Yeoh for his help over the entrance shade, this project consider completed. it was good party indeed, over hundred residents + vendors + friends attended, highlight of the party is cutting of ribbon by YB under the shade, trust it's the first time such thing happen in Vista, for those Chinese educated Vista residents, can check chinese newspaper Kwangwah & Kuangming on 5/12/2011, some color photos can be found there too.
so now, we are aiming to finish off the other 2 projects, defaulters' debt & sinking fund...
few months ago, legal notices had been sent to abt 50 hardcore defaulters, glad to say that, more than half of them responded to the notices, many of them paid in full, also some of them did part payment or instalment due to financial problem, which also under close monitoring, well, still another 20 defaulters remain unmoved by the legal notices, for this we expected MPPP to act some where in Sept, but as we ready in MC status, we were told that land office should be in-charge of this case, so after all the necessary procedure be observed, this time 6 letters of land office are on the way to blk J defaulters, most likely another 14 letters will be sent next week, then see how lah....;)
sinking fund also moving to the positive direction, basically developer agreed that they should transfer us the money, but until now still dragging their feet..., we have contacted lawyer & will meet them soon for legal action, also 3 weeks ago thing hv been brought to CM's attention, he has assigned EXCO member to handle this case, we hv met with his assistant 2 week ago, but now will meet this EXCO member in person this week, pray & hope that developer will be willingly let us hv that money soon...
That's a Grand opening!
Thank you MC for the great work. We are proud to be Vista Condo resident. :-)
thanks...we always remind ourselves there's still rooms for improvement, hope that our residents can bear with us coz many things (especially on the maintenance side) should be done but due to limitation of fund & other factors, it will only can be carried out later...
we hope that we can get sinking fund soon then we will throw the bigger makan party for our residents, let's pray...
Good job, MC! We have saw the improvement so far and will continue to support you bring more improvement in the future... Well done!!!!
thanks, residents' understanding & cooperation is very very very important for the further improvement of vista condo. our target is to make Vista a real Condo by year 2013, may God help us & bless our plan...
Hi MC & team,
Well done good job, this is the first time i saw MC is doing such as a good job among the penang JMB. I proud to stay in vista condo. I saw all the committee members was wearing the uniform, very nice & beautiful. I can see among the members unity & peace & hard work.
Good job guys.
Hi Guy's
For the defaulter & hard core people, my idea, please install touch card inside the lift. I hope you all can collect all the debts or as cheng said want to install touch n go system for motor. i think either 1 is workable. pls consider.
1) thanks for the kind encouragement, if JMB & MC have unity then can hv this kind of achievement, jz imagine how much more Vista Condo can be improved if residents also highly united? to make Vista a real Condo can be materialized if all residents hv same vision & unity to make it happen.
2) i guess T&G system for motorcycle & lifts will be implemented eventually, both also for safety & security reason, motorcycle T&G will be installed soon, but we need AGM or EGM to approve the lift T&G coz it will cost abt 16K-20K, for any project more than 10K will need to call AGM or EGM for approval.
pls help to arrange scanning system to enter the swimming pool area..simple scanning system can protect our pool areas from outsiders.....lost my hope on security..they not able to control pool users.....
any plan for gym?
thanks for feedback...
1) abt the gym, try to get something done abt it next year, most likely use one of the toilet at blk k convert it to be gym room, but haven't got any concrete plan yet, also depend on finance.
2) swimming pool outsiders, in fact most of this outsiders are friends of residents, which means residents r the one brought them into the pool, to install the T&G at pool entrance can't stop them coz residents still hv access to the pool, still pondering what shud be right solution for, it, anyone can share with some idea?
Im not bother about frens or relative of resident, im worried bout outsiders that not in our scale...and also we can manage to stop resident who not paying their fee to enter the pool...hopefully GYM plan will success.....
I think the MC is doing the right things. Focus on burning issues like beautify the swimming pool, facility maintanance, water tank issue etc are the current priority. opinion is back to basic first. Settle those burning issues should be the priority.
>>> TV8//8TV channel reception very poor at Blk K,we cant watch d TV 8 programe at the moment,pls help to look into tis issue,,thxs...
will get TV guy to come in ASAP, understand blk j also facing the problem.
could u pls arrange d tv guy to come in asap,my neighbors ( blk K) also facing the same problem >>>unable to watch TV programme,TV8//8TV channel reception very poor ,,pls help.thx you.
Hi MC Team,
I heard from your one of the member said, going to install motorbike touch & go. That is great idea for hardcore people.
My second opinion, pls install touch & go inside the lift, that is more effective can get most of them to paid their service charge.
After you all take over i can see a lot of improvement on our place. i really happy to see.
Get our place better living place.
Hi MC team,
Whose is the indian guy working very hard, but friendly speaking you all great & marvelous.
I would like personally thank to indian guy & Mr. Cheng & the rest of them. Sorry guys. late thank to everybody.
1) hv contacted our regular TV vendor, he only can make it on monday as he is in the hurry to complete another project. we won't call other vendor to avoid any pointing finger incident, coz if we hv different vendor to handle our equipment they tend to blame each other in the future.
2) eventually we will go for lift T&G as well but not at the moment coz to install for 4 lifts will need more than 20K, wait until we r in the better financial position then we will call EGM to let residents decide on the matter. (so we r launching motorbike T&G soon as it cost less....)
3) lift & motorbikes' T&G system r for 2 main purposes, to force hardcore defaulters to pay & tighten up the security in vista condo, so when these system being implemented we hope residents will bear with the inconvenience, such as traffic will be slow down at entrance & always need to bring the lift T&G cards...
4) Indian MC member name Deva Moses, is the most hardworking person in committee, in fact many important projects r initiated by him, he is a backbone of MC. we r so blessed to hv him around.
oh ya, thanks for all the kind words & encouragement.
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