we would like to share the good news with u that JMB have completed the repair work for the 3 water tanks according to the planned schedule, the total cost is RM4200. On top of that, we also spent another RM400 to repair the leak at the bomba water tank, we r expecting the next water bill will see RM1500 less than previous months!
for block-J residents who usually pass by the common area in between pump room & swimming pool, u will notice the dirty water (i called it tea-O water) on the floor has gone! that water was one leaked from the bomba water tank at the pump room, and it happened for pass few years, and now as we hv repaired the water tank, we will not need to suffer the sore-eye by looking at the tea-O everyday!
i attached photos here for you to see the different with & without tea-O water...guess which 1 is b4 repair & after repair...
Great to know that improvements are being done. Thanks to all in the committee.
You guys should run for next General Election. You did more actual work that some of our Parliament MPs!!
u guys' support is the driving force for JMB to do well, we hv received lot of kind words from Vista residents, just want to say "thank u" to all the encouragement.
General election? let me talk to the committee member in our next meeting, perhaps Jeffery will be interested in CM post....:)
One company that cares for your family like you do is Absolute Maintenance and Consulting. They have been specializing in Water Leak Repair Los Angeles and after more than 30 years of expertise, there is no leakage problem that they cannot handle. Through the years, they have learned various methods that would finish the job efficiently and done with reliability.
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