this year we decided to organise a Vista Condo Mini Carnival, on 14/4/2012, 7pm to 10pm.
since 3 years ago, we have made it a point that we will organise at least once a year a residents' gathering to build closer relationship among the vista condo residents, in order to build "A Caring Community" in the Vista Condo. So the initial plan is to do a party on the Earth Hour day, so that can kill 2 birds with 1 stone, ie to build relationship & at the same time to cultivate environment preservation thought to our peoples.
but somehow it can't take place this year as too many people will be away for the cheng-meng festival, so we decided to change the date to April 14th, and as it's not on the Earth Hour day, we will not call it Earth Hour Party like last year.
for this year's residents' gathering, we will do something quite different from the previous few party, more like a carnival, or more exactly, a mini carnival.
the biggest selling point will be a clown will be there, for the 2 hours he will perform some magic tricks & games to entertain his main audience, the Vista Condo Kids. so parents pls remember to register ur children for this mini carnival because we know that they will enjoy so much!
of course the adults will reap much benefits so showing up in the event, the lucky draw! so far we have received near to RM1000 cash sponsorship from various vendors of vista condo, at the moment the list of lucky draw items are planned like smart phone, microwave oven, high quality water filter, hampers, should not less than 15 items to be won! don't miss it....:)
and abt the food...hehehe....good one too! unlike previous parties, where all the food were prepared by a single caterer, but this mini carnival we will get different hawker people to prepare different type of food, for eg, satay seller will have his satay booth to serve satay only, then koay teow person will be frying the koay teow at different booth according to residents' order, like wise for ice kacang & others, we believe the quality will be much better & residents can enjoy the food which is just come out from the wok, yummy! for RM8 (or RM5 for kid) it is really worth for your money!
at the moment still waiting for company like DIGI & UNIFI to relpy if they want to set up their booths to promote their product, we also will contact drinks company (MILO, VICO, etc...) see if they will like to sponsor the drinks for the event & also do promotion for their other product, as we mentioned earlier, it will be a mini carnival, so the more booths the merrier....!
so again, would like to encourage our residents to sign up early so we can have better preparation, pls email us at, or call 012-5557658, or better still if u can drop by the management office personal to sign up for yourselves & your kids, so together we will build a caring community in vista besides having so much fun & enjoying the foods.