like to promote the appreciation party which will be held on 03/12/2011, indeed there are many reasons why as residents, we should make an effort to attend this event.
1) to show our gratitude to YB Yeoh Soon Hin for his help to get the fund to build the entrance shade, this huge shade (30ft by 40ft) is actually cost a lot of money, in fact according to some unofficial record, this may be one of the highest fund allocation for a single project for apartment use in the recent history, since YB Yeoh has done it for us, we must thank him, if possible personally.
2) also for his past help, YB as we know him, man of few words, but always try his best to help for those requests which we have forwarded to him earlier, i remember first time we meet him was in Amaraas restaurant in one evening in year 2009, a whole group of JMB sit down w him to get his help so that our JMB can be formed officially. later on we also approached him & he helped to get ppl for trimming tree at rental parking area, twice he help us to chop/removed fallen tree, he also arranged & chaired the meeting for us to discuss with developer & MPPP/COB officers, & of course not to forget he sponsored 10 hampers & be our guest of honour for our earth hour party in March 2011.
3) we also feel that it's very important to build deeper relationship with him, as we need his help for many other projects in Vista Condo, namely sinking fund, water tank lining, lift upgrade, & also to apply the empty land behind the rental parking area. So if we have many residents turn up during the party, this will give good impression to him that Vista residents are very thankful people, this definitely will help a lot for us to approach him again in the future. (at the end if we manage to get his help for any project as mentioned, the benefit is actually goes to Vista residents.)
4) to hv many residents to say thanks to him will be a good encouragement for him, this will make him feel that his effort & service to the public is much appreciated by ppl, this perhaps will motivate him to continue to serve wholeheartedly, so as we also member of public in his constituency, we will reap the benefits if our state assemblyman is an excellent servant of public.
5) we will also arrange for residents to sign the petition for the sinking fund when you arrive, then during the party we will pass this petition to YB Yeoh to get his help to fight for our sinking, i believe if we have many residents to sign the petition, it will show the unity of residents, & also show that we are serious on this matter, this perhaps will hasten the time we get the money back!
6) another good reason for residents to attend the party, it's a get together time for everybody, where our residents will spend time eat together, talk to each other, know new friend & strengthen existing relationship, this will help to build a caring community among Vista residents, we notice after the few gathering in the past, it seems the relationship among our relationship are getting better....
so, pls come to the appreciation party, also pls kindly talk to ur neighbor or ur friends in Vista to get them to attend, this will bring much benefits to vista condo....
(pls sms or call office at 012-5557658 for registration, so that we can estimate how many residents are coming & prepare right amount of food, for info, it's free of charge for food & drink)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Now the shade is up, hooray!!!

now, the entrance shade is up, after 8 months of waiting...
residents' general response for the shade is good & appreciative, for those who follow the vista blog, they know well this was by the allocation of fund helped by YB Yeoh Soon Hin, Paya Terubong state assemblyman, but also many residents thought it was from our management fund, & even so, they r also very happy & think that the money is well spent for everybody's benefit, after we explain to them, they are all the more amazed & thankful for YB's help, of course few residents also wondering if the money had been wasted for this project before we told them we didn't touch residents' money for the shade.
we are most likely organise a residents' "makan gathering" on 03/12/2011 (saturday) night to celebrate the installation of the shade & also use the occasion to express our utmost thanks to YB Yeoh, by having him as guest of honour & may hv some ceremony to "officiate" the use of shade. now we are talking to some vendor to sponsor for the food/drink so hopefully can give free-makan for our residents, but at the end we may use little bit of management fund to rent facility like canopy, tables & chairs, of course it will be fantastic if we can get vendors to sponsor these items too :P
(committee members said i am greedy...greedy...very greedy!!! hehe!)
we shall put up the notice once we have finalise all the detail concerning the makan-gathering, we hope many residents will turn up in the gathering to show our appreciation to YB Yeoh for his support for this project, we also plan to take that opportunity to get his advice over some other matters, such as sinking fund, etc, we always believe that it's important to build good relationship with him as there are still many things we will need to consult him or get his support in the future.
side tract a bit...but also related to the shade....
at the moment, MC committee is facing a "good problem", now the shade is big, actually look quite nice, especially during day time, but at night it's a bit "sayang" if we don't put some light to brighten it up, coz if we put the right type of light & the right color, it will definitely make our main entrance looks very grand, anyone can provide some idea on this?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
human, water, dogs & monkeys.
some of these challenges still confronting us, lasted awhile already but still couldn't find a permanent solution,
1) Errant residents - human problem, as we are very grateful for most of Vista residents are cooperative type, we do troubled by small number of errant residents, not say they are bad, but somehow they jz like to place their interest higher than common interest, & in the way have caused inconvenience to other ppl as well. some of example are residents refused to take motorcycle stickers but insists want to come in; residents place their personal belonging at the common area at the ground floor; also some try to drive their car (w/o card) into Vista car park but cheated security guard they are babysitter, but once they come in, they park their cars over night; some like to feed dogs & cats at ground floor, still doing so even many times being told not to do that...., honestly very hard to deal w them, we did ask security guard & supervisors to talk to them or even taking some tougher action, but at the end as they reacted with very unfriendly words & even action, this had made staff & guard to feel it's risky working here, & this has been a reason for some of guards refused to work here anymore.
2) water - water tank & common wall/ceiling leaking problem have burned a big hole in the pocket of our management fund, but the real problem is, this hole seems can't be patched at the moment. due to the aging problem of the water tank lining, each time after the repair is done, it will only last for abt a year, then the same problem will occur again, coz the linings are beyond repair, need to change them in order to solve the problem permanently. the cost is abt RM15K or 20K depending on the size of the tank, & we have 4 big tank & 4 small tank, so total is abt RM140K, something far beyond we can reach now. for this we need the sinking fund to be transfer back urgently, another thing we can try (& we will do it soon) is to write to state gov't or federal gov't for help, and as general election is near, maybe we can get some money from them....... :)
3) dogs - like it or not, errant residents have made this problem harder to be solved. we have get MPPP dog catcher to come in at least 4 times already, but each time these dogs managed to run away, as for now MPPP worker ask us to find way to catch them by ourselves & they will jz come pick them away. The reason the dogs like to stay in Vista is they can find food here, for months the night guard have been chasing them frequently but as long as they can still get food here, they will be back soon, so we have told residents not to feed the dogs, some of them followed but still few person from blk k continue feeding the dogs quietly, at the moment we run out of idea how to tackle this, see, we can't ask police & MPPP to arrest these human dog feeder, so it's really up to residents to come together to stop these ppl, or else dogs will still barking at midnight hour to disturb residents' sleeping, & our biggest worry is if one day these become mad then they may attack ppl.
4) monkeys - before we can settle the dog problem, now the few monkeys are back! now instead of hanging around at rental parking area, they hv shifted their territory to the car parking lots near Hindu temple. wild monkeys naturally more dangerously & aggressive than dogs, perhaps now we got to get professional help to get rid of dogs & monkeys.
headache....headache....headache...., in fact problem (1) & (3) can be easily solved if those errant residents willing to give some cooperation, hopefully they will come to their right senses soon.
1) Errant residents - human problem, as we are very grateful for most of Vista residents are cooperative type, we do troubled by small number of errant residents, not say they are bad, but somehow they jz like to place their interest higher than common interest, & in the way have caused inconvenience to other ppl as well. some of example are residents refused to take motorcycle stickers but insists want to come in; residents place their personal belonging at the common area at the ground floor; also some try to drive their car (w/o card) into Vista car park but cheated security guard they are babysitter, but once they come in, they park their cars over night; some like to feed dogs & cats at ground floor, still doing so even many times being told not to do that...., honestly very hard to deal w them, we did ask security guard & supervisors to talk to them or even taking some tougher action, but at the end as they reacted with very unfriendly words & even action, this had made staff & guard to feel it's risky working here, & this has been a reason for some of guards refused to work here anymore.
2) water - water tank & common wall/ceiling leaking problem have burned a big hole in the pocket of our management fund, but the real problem is, this hole seems can't be patched at the moment. due to the aging problem of the water tank lining, each time after the repair is done, it will only last for abt a year, then the same problem will occur again, coz the linings are beyond repair, need to change them in order to solve the problem permanently. the cost is abt RM15K or 20K depending on the size of the tank, & we have 4 big tank & 4 small tank, so total is abt RM140K, something far beyond we can reach now. for this we need the sinking fund to be transfer back urgently, another thing we can try (& we will do it soon) is to write to state gov't or federal gov't for help, and as general election is near, maybe we can get some money from them....... :)
3) dogs - like it or not, errant residents have made this problem harder to be solved. we have get MPPP dog catcher to come in at least 4 times already, but each time these dogs managed to run away, as for now MPPP worker ask us to find way to catch them by ourselves & they will jz come pick them away. The reason the dogs like to stay in Vista is they can find food here, for months the night guard have been chasing them frequently but as long as they can still get food here, they will be back soon, so we have told residents not to feed the dogs, some of them followed but still few person from blk k continue feeding the dogs quietly, at the moment we run out of idea how to tackle this, see, we can't ask police & MPPP to arrest these human dog feeder, so it's really up to residents to come together to stop these ppl, or else dogs will still barking at midnight hour to disturb residents' sleeping, & our biggest worry is if one day these become mad then they may attack ppl.
4) monkeys - before we can settle the dog problem, now the few monkeys are back! now instead of hanging around at rental parking area, they hv shifted their territory to the car parking lots near Hindu temple. wild monkeys naturally more dangerously & aggressive than dogs, perhaps now we got to get professional help to get rid of dogs & monkeys.
headache....headache....headache...., in fact problem (1) & (3) can be easily solved if those errant residents willing to give some cooperation, hopefully they will come to their right senses soon.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
changes at entrance...soon?
residents will hv good chances to see some changes at the main entrance, if not in November, then it should happen in December. the entrance shade & the motorbike T&G system.
we were informed by the source from the state government that the budget for our entrance shade (30ft by 40ft, cover the whole area from management office to guard house) has been approved, the gov't contractor has contacted us, they will come again on Tuesday to take the final measurement & have last round of discussion with us on the design, color, position, then they can start work soon after the meeting...., if this project really come into implementation, we got few persons to thank, especially YB Yeoh Soon Hin, the state assemblyman of our area (Paya Terubong), for he has helped us to fight for the fund since we made this request in the Earth Hour Party in March 2011, where he was the guess of honor, yeah, he also sponsored 10 set of hamper for the lucky draw.
we also may install the T&G system (from management fund) for the motorcycles at the main entrance, there are few option we can consider, we do welcome residents to contribute idea/opinion if u happen to read this article....
due to the limitation of the space, to install new barrier for the motorcycle will be beyond reached at the moment (unless we tear down the guard house, but really not at the moment) so we should be using the car barrier for the motorcycles also. we can foresee this may slow down the flow of outgoing traffic especially from 7.30am to 8am, rush hour, but it should not be a big problem coz as we check around, our neighbor Villa Condo do have abt 400+ cars using same T&G system, opposite neighbor (Desa Relau 2) also have many cars share the same barrier, the same applied to villa kejora & so far they r ok too, for our case at the moment abt 270 cars using the barrier, plus the motorcycles (abt 100+ active biker now) then it's abt 400+ vehicles (cars & bikes) sharing the same barriers, it may slow down the traffic during rush hour, but unlikely cause massive jam...., but we will monitor the situation after launching the project.
but we will need to use separate scanner to prevent some resident to use motorcycles cards for the cars & vice versa, so eventually 2 scanner for incoming vehicle & 2 for outgoing one, we should mark the scanners with different color so to make it easier for residents to recognize it easily which scanner is for cars & which one is for motorcycles, for this we will also ask vendor to configure the system in such a way that the barrier won't be opened if wrong type of cards are being scanned, as i said, to prevent some residents for taking advantage for their selfish benefits.
one important thing forgot to be mentioned earlier, the purpose of installing T&G system is to tighten up the security, we hv tried motorcycle stickers for 2 years, it didn't work well due to some residents refused to cooperate, as they didn't take the stickers & when guard tried to stop their bikes, they will come in thru the outgoing area. Due to these residents' bikes w/o sticker, the guard (especially the new guard) will have problem identify those incoming bikes (w/o stickers) belong to our residents or outsider? for this have made it difficult for the incoming bikes be monitored properly.
pls write to us if u hv any question, or opinion, or suggestion..., as we will have MC meeting this Wednesday night during dinner, we will brainstorm & most likely make some decision on the matter.
we were informed by the source from the state government that the budget for our entrance shade (30ft by 40ft, cover the whole area from management office to guard house) has been approved, the gov't contractor has contacted us, they will come again on Tuesday to take the final measurement & have last round of discussion with us on the design, color, position, then they can start work soon after the meeting...., if this project really come into implementation, we got few persons to thank, especially YB Yeoh Soon Hin, the state assemblyman of our area (Paya Terubong), for he has helped us to fight for the fund since we made this request in the Earth Hour Party in March 2011, where he was the guess of honor, yeah, he also sponsored 10 set of hamper for the lucky draw.
we also may install the T&G system (from management fund) for the motorcycles at the main entrance, there are few option we can consider, we do welcome residents to contribute idea/opinion if u happen to read this article....
due to the limitation of the space, to install new barrier for the motorcycle will be beyond reached at the moment (unless we tear down the guard house, but really not at the moment) so we should be using the car barrier for the motorcycles also. we can foresee this may slow down the flow of outgoing traffic especially from 7.30am to 8am, rush hour, but it should not be a big problem coz as we check around, our neighbor Villa Condo do have abt 400+ cars using same T&G system, opposite neighbor (Desa Relau 2) also have many cars share the same barrier, the same applied to villa kejora & so far they r ok too, for our case at the moment abt 270 cars using the barrier, plus the motorcycles (abt 100+ active biker now) then it's abt 400+ vehicles (cars & bikes) sharing the same barriers, it may slow down the traffic during rush hour, but unlikely cause massive jam...., but we will monitor the situation after launching the project.
but we will need to use separate scanner to prevent some resident to use motorcycles cards for the cars & vice versa, so eventually 2 scanner for incoming vehicle & 2 for outgoing one, we should mark the scanners with different color so to make it easier for residents to recognize it easily which scanner is for cars & which one is for motorcycles, for this we will also ask vendor to configure the system in such a way that the barrier won't be opened if wrong type of cards are being scanned, as i said, to prevent some residents for taking advantage for their selfish benefits.
one important thing forgot to be mentioned earlier, the purpose of installing T&G system is to tighten up the security, we hv tried motorcycle stickers for 2 years, it didn't work well due to some residents refused to cooperate, as they didn't take the stickers & when guard tried to stop their bikes, they will come in thru the outgoing area. Due to these residents' bikes w/o sticker, the guard (especially the new guard) will have problem identify those incoming bikes (w/o stickers) belong to our residents or outsider? for this have made it difficult for the incoming bikes be monitored properly.
pls write to us if u hv any question, or opinion, or suggestion..., as we will have MC meeting this Wednesday night during dinner, we will brainstorm & most likely make some decision on the matter.
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