we felt that 2 common facility issues needed to be attended now..1) the water tank at block-K, the leaking is actually quite bad! it have been there easily few month already. there are 4 water tanks supporting block-K currently, the one on top of the 20th floor unit 3&4 is leaking badly, i guess every month we hv wasted more than RM400 for the leakage.plumber will come next week to fix it, wil cost us a couple of thousands...., some residents from block-K upper floor had complained to the management abt the problem since last year, but no action taken. sigh, typical way of them when dealing with complaint.2) we wil make the grassy abandoned ground at the end of block-K to be more feasible as car park, we plan to put some debris or even to cement/tar it, then to draw the proper line so that residents who do not hv parking lot can make use of that. we hv counted, more than 15 cars can be parked there with proper plan.it should be done in april, the cost......depend on what material we are going to use, of course ideal one is to cement, let's check our service charge collection first, hehe :Psince last EGM some residents hv approached JMB with many excellent idea of improving car park, security, office location, facility...we are greatly encouraged! just many of these ideas only can be put into action after new managing agent take over in May'09, simply bcoz men power & proper plan/supervisory are needed. we are also inviting residents to be in the commitee to oversee these plans, do u like to be part of the team to serve the Vista residents? thanks.cheng/JMB
another good deal is on the way, for those who like to settle their old debts, they will enjoy remarkable discount on the interest!we r talking abt if they pay their previous year outstanding fee (maintenance fee, insurance, quit rent, etc) b4 May'09, then 30% discount on the interest will be given, then 25% for those pay b4 June'09, 20% for b4 July'09, 15% b4 Aug'09 & 10% b4 Sept'09.note that discount is on the interest, but not principle value, or else it will not be fair for those who hv been paying promptly all these years.how abt if residents like to settle the old debts but not in the financial position to pay up all in this few months? well, we would like to make it easy for them to pay in installment manner, RM100 per month, we hv checked around & it seems not too burdensome for average income group. (but no discount will be given for this)all they need to do now, just bring the receipt of last paym't, go to the collection booth at the foyer, fill in the repayment form b4 May'09, and start paying according to agreement. what happen if defaulter choose not to pay? they r in the danger of losing the car parking lot, then if they continue to display non-cooperative attitude, they will be served warrant of attachment, it will ended up some of their asset be sold by city council to clear the debt, we hope this would not happen in Vista... cheng/JMB
for this 2 month (March & April), Joint management commitee, or in short form, JMC are working round the clock for the management transition, smooth one, hopefully.we are having board meeting at least once a week, wednesday nite 9.30pm to finalize few things, such as temporary office, new contract for lift, housekeeping, security, pest control & etc, also cracking our mind to find way to improve car parking system & other facility....huge task! u actually can see almost every nite few JMC are gathering at the foyer, not for chit-chating, but discussing over these matters, we r thankful for their zeal & commitment!our hope is like yours, the better future for Vista condo, like our vision slogan, "making vista a better place for living", we believe residents are making a 1st big step towards this by changing the current managing agent, which have long been regarded as inefficient, ineffective & irresponsible! no one can guarantee that the new managing agent will be better one compare to the existing one, but new system will provide Vista residents the better way to monitor their performance, we are planning more dialogue/meeting in between resident & managing agent, also, residents will be given more authority over the matter in Vista.our appeal to you, very soon we will enlarge our committee, pls join us when be approached, or if we don't spot u, feel free to volunteer yourself, after all it take everybody's effort to make Vista a better place for living.Cheng/JMB